The Beauty of Skin Peeling: Achieving a Glowing Complexion

skin peeling. Helps prevent acne. Repel the signs of skin aging. Cosmetics are easy to absorb. Shrinking pores. Prevent dull rough skin
Estimated read time: 8 min

The Beauty of Skin Peeling: Achieving a Glowing Complexion
Peeling is a scientific way to beautify the skin, making the skin soft and smooth. If you still don't understand everything about this skincare step, let's learn about peeling through this article!

Skin peeling Peeling a glitter mask from a woman's face

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What is cell death

According to the natural physiology of man, after 24 hours of activity, we will "produce" 5 billion new cells. New cells shed old cells (dead cells) by "falling" off the surface of the skin.

Part of the dead cells that fall out will form dirt around us, and the rest will stick to the surface of the skin. These cells, along with sebum secretion, will clog the skin and pores, forming a thick horny layer that makes the skin rough, ugly, and poorly absorbed by skin care products.

Not only that, but when the skin is active, it will inadvertently stick many other impurities from the surrounding environment such as dirt, exhaust gas, dust containing toxic metals, and the influence of the sun's long and medium ultraviolet rays. These impurities are also odious "dead cells" that must be removed.

How does peeling beautify the skin?

Due to the above subjective and objective reasons, our skin daily has to "carry" a lot of impurities, and they all create a rough surface of the skin and enlarged and secreted pores.

Therefore, in the cycle of whipping, you should add an exfoliating product.

The benefits of peeling for the skin are as follows:

Helps prevent acne: peeling makes the skin clean from dust and sebum and eliminates the main cause of annoying acne spots on the skin. 

Repel the signs of skin aging: promote skin regeneration, and help women after the age of thirty to have smooth skin, although the cycle of skin regeneration slows down. 

Cosmetics are easy to absorb: dead cells are removed when nutrients are in direct contact with the clean and airy surface of the skin, which makes the use of cosmetics enhance its full potential. 

Shrinking pores: dead cells enlarge the pores to accommodate them, and when removed, the pores open, thus shrinking. 

Prevent dull rough skin: The cause of this phenomenon is the accumulation of numerous layers of dead cells on the skin, which causes the skin to lose water and lose its natural shine. 

How to choose a skin scrub

There are different types of scrubs, such as wax, gel, granular, granular, etc.

Each type suits different skin types. She will guide you on how to choose the right scrub!

Oily skin

This is the type of skin that most often needs peeling.  Because this type of skin is oily and the pores are often large, impurities and dead cells easily remain on the skin and cause skin defects.   

Oily skin should use granular Scrubs (also known as scrubs), which are small-grained, facial cleansers with granules that double as an exfoliating function, and granular scrubs or facial cleansers with granules that double as exfoliating function are the best way to cleanse oily skin.   

When using scrubs, it is important to use the right type of skin.

Dry and sensitive skin

When someone has dry and sensitive skin, they may be more likely to experience skin peeling. This is because dry skin cannot produce enough oil to protect the skin, and sensitive skin is overreacting to any kind of stimulus. It is less susceptible to dust than oily skin, sensitive and dry skin easily forms dead skin cells, causing rough skin and loss of beauty.             

 Dry and sensitive skin will be more susceptible to the components of granular peeling. However, granular peeling is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it is a necessary step in the skincare process for people with dry and sensitive skin. It helps to remove dead skin cells and rough skin that can accumulate on the skin.

Acne skin

Acne is a problem because it makes treatment more difficult. Numerous factors, including heredity, hormones, food, and stress, can contribute to acne. So the best way to treat it is to avoid the things that caused it in the first place.     

Acne is treated with scrubs and massage, but specific actions must be taken to avoid exacerbation of acne spots.

How to properly exfoliate dead cells

To properly exfoliate dead cells, you will need to use a gentle scrub. Wash your face first with warm water and gentle soap. Use your hands to apply soap to a thick layer of scrub. Rub in circular motions. Finally, rinse the scrub with cold water.

Exfoliating skin cells can help remove the top layer of the skin,

 allowing new cells to grow and replace dead cells. Dead skin cells form a protective barrier on your skin and can lead to the deterioration of the skin. You can use several different methods to exfoliate your skin, but the safest and most effective way is to use a glycolic acid product. Glycolic acid is an aha (alpha hydroxy acids) that is found in many skin care products.

Exfoliation of dead cells can be performed in several ways,

 but some common techniques include the use of scrubs, peels, or ionizing machines.     

Common side effects of peeling include small red bumps that may form, dry skin, and an increased risk of bacteria or infection. It is important to use the right scrub for the skin type and avoid excessive peeling of the skin.

 some notes about peeling:

Although many people think that exfoliating the skin is a chore, it can also be a pleasant experience. Taking the time to do a skin peel properly can make your skin feel smoother and look younger. There are a few things you can do to make exfoliation smoother. 


choose the right type of peeling, make sure you have the right supplies, and understand the process. 


 prepare your skin by thoroughly cleansing it and using a light scrub. This will help the peel to penetrate evenly.


Using the peel in accordance with the directions


neutralize the peel according to the instructions. This is important because leaving the peel for a long time can harm your skin. 


apply a moisturizer to soothe your skin. Skin peels can be a great way to improve the appearance of your skin, but it is important to follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your skin, skin peels can be a great way to improve the appearance of your skin, but it is important to follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your skin. 

If you are not sure how to properly do a skin peel, it is better to consult with a dermatologist or an aesthetician. They can help you choose the right type of peeling for your skin type and give you tips on how to apply it correctly.

Is skin peeling a good thing?

Skin peeling is a good thing. It promotes skin regrowth and healing. Exfoliation also helps to remove dead skin cells and helps to open pores. Peeling helps to speed up the healing process.

Why is my skin peeling on my legs?

There are many causes of skin peeling, the most common of which is dry skin. Skin can become dry for a variety of reasons, including weather conditions, frequent bathing, and certain medical conditions. 

In most cases, dry skin is not a serious condition and can be managed with home remedies and over-the-counter (OTC) treatments. However, if the skin peels off in large sheets, is accompanied by other symptoms, or does not improve with home care, it could be a sign of a more dangerous ailment and has to be examined by a physician.

a summary

Many people know skin peeling as a method of facial treatments or skin treatments. However, it is not only a luxury beauty treatment but also has many health benefits. Skin peeling helps to eliminate dead skin cells and damaged skin cells, promote the generation of new skin cells, and help the skin absorb nutrients better.

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